VMware to Proxmox

Embracing Flexibility: Navigating the Transition from VMware to Proxmox.

In the dynamic world of IT infrastructure, change is the only constant. Recent shifts in VMware’s licensing model, driven by Broadcom’s acquisition, have presented both challenges and opportunities for businesses reliant on virtualization technologies. At J2 Group, we’ve been at the forefront of adapting to these changes, guiding our clients through seamless transitions to robust and cost-effective alternatives like Proxmox VE.

Understanding the Change

Broadcom’s move to transition VMware’s licensing from perpetual to subscription-based has sent ripples through the IT community. This significant shift has raised concerns about increased operational costs and the need for more predictable budgeting models for many businesses.



While change can be daunting, it also presents an opportunity to explore new technologies that might better align with your business’s evolving needs.

Why Proxmox VE?

As your trusted IT partner, J2 Group is committed to ensuring that your IT infrastructure is not only resilient and efficient but also cost-effective. This commitment has led us to embrace Proxmox VE, an open-source virtualization platform that offers a compelling suite of features. With Proxmox, you gain access to KVM virtualization, LXC containers, and a comprehensive, web- based management interface, all without the burden of restrictive licensing fees.


Our Approach

Our team at J2 Group has developed a streamlined process for transitioning from VMware to Proxmox, designed to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency. We begin with a thorough assessment of your current infrastructure, followed by a detailed planning phase to ensure a smooth transition. Our experts are with you every step of the way, from implementation to post- migration support, ensuring your new Proxmox environment is optimized for your specific needs.

Your Benefits

The transition to Proxmox not only alleviates the licensing concerns associated with VMware but also brings a host of other benefits. Proxmox’s scalability and robust feature set, coupled with its open-source nature, provide a level of flexibility and control that’s hard to match. This transition can lead to significant cost savings, improved performance, and, most importantly, peace of mind knowing that your virtualization platform is aligned with your business objectives.

Looking Forward

At J2 Group, we understand that navigating such transitions can be challenging, but you’re not alone. Our expertise and customer-centric approach ensure that your journey from VMware to Proxmox is smooth and beneficial.